Search (Find/Change) for ones you’re most interested in, such as the list of tools and their shortcuts (below), or keep the entire list on hand. You’ll see that the remaining functions are sorted into categories.This immediately eliminates all the functions without shortcuts. Click Find Next (or Find in older InDesign versions), then Change All. Click on the GREP tab, then type the following into the Find what field. With the cursor in the first line of the list, open the Find/Change dialog box (Edit>Find/Change, or Ctrl/Cmd+F).You don’t need to make the entire list visible by adding pages and using text threads. Select the entire shortcuts list (Ctrl/Cmd + A) and copy (Ctrl/Cmd + C) and paste it (Ctrl/Cmd + V) into your new doc.There are over 1700 functions that could use shortcuts! You can see from the example below that most of the shortcuts are undefined, meaning that Adobe has not given the function a keyboard shortcut. A text file will appear on your screen, in your computer’s default text editing application.(The ones you set up for applying styles are not available, however.) To see a list of your own custom shortcuts, select your named set from the Set dropdown menu. For instance, if you only care about the shortcuts for switching between tools, select Tools from this list. In the Product Area dropdown menu, you can select a category of shortcuts. In InDesign, go to Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts and select Show Set.If you want a list of InDesign’s preset keyboard shortcuts, it’s pretty simple to do. Preset InDesign keyboard shortcuts for everything else Or take screen shots of the appropriate style panels. To keep track of the shortcuts you’ve invented, just write them down. Custom InDesign keyboard shortcuts for styles Assign shortcuts only for the styles you use the most, and use your mouse or trackpad for everything else. If you set up too many shortcuts, you probably won’t remember them all! So don’t overdo it. Save time and save your wrist! #InDesign #bookdesign Click To Tweet Keeping track of InDesign keyboard shortcuts Use InDesign keyboard shortcuts to quickly apply styles. If you’re going to design other books, I suggest using the same shortcuts in all of them-this makes them easier to remember. You’ll see that your new custom shortcuts appear in the styles panel. It should say “unassigned,” meaning that this combination of keys is not already being used for any other style or function. When you assign a keyboard shortcut, read the fine print below the field before you click OK. According to my calculations, using these combinations could give you a maximum of 70 shortcuts on a Mac and 30 on a PC.
plus a single number on the numeric keypad (on both Mac and PC)-with the NumLock key set to On on a PC.

I’ll show you how to add your own custom shortcuts for steps that you repeat when applying styles to your book’s text or objects. (Many of the most commonly used ones are listed at the back of Book Design Made Simple.) There are hundreds of preset shortcuts and you’ll see how to find a list of them below. InDesign comes with a lot of keyboard shortcuts of its own-they appear right next to the items in just about every menu in the application. Does that sound like you? Read on to learn how to use this very handy function for applying styles in InDesign. Many users find that they work faster on their keyboard than with their mouse or trackpad. You can save a lot of time using InDesign keyboard shortcuts.